Get in touch with WBOA

Contact us

Get in touch with our team in person, by phone or email.

Woman on phone to WBOA enjoying life


88A Crofton Street, Bundaberg West, QLD, 4760
PO Box:
PO Box: PO Box 3350, Bundaberg, Qld, 4760

Opening hours

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

8.30am to 3.00pm


Phone: (07) 4152 4715

Mobile: 0466 125 818 (text messages only/this number is not monitored for calls)

Other numbers

After hrs number: (07) 4152 4715 (answering machine)

Fax: (07) 4153 5460

Send us an email

Please complete the required fields below and one of our team members will be in touch shortly.

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The Wide Bay Ostomates team are ready to answer questions or point you in the right direction.

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