Frequently asked questions
Click the below questions to see the associated answer. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

WBOA provides non-clinical information, support and encouragement concerning all aspects related to living with a stoma. Our major role is to manage Ostomates orders and distribute stoma appliances which are provided through the Commonwealth Government’s Stoma Appliance Scheme.
WBOA is governed by a Management Committee elected from and by members. The operation of the association is carried out by a dedicated team of volunteers with a paid Manager and part time Administrative Officer.
The Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) is an Australian Government program that supports eligible people to access a range of clinically appropriate stoma products. To access the Scheme, eligible persons must be a financial member of an approved stoma association.
Membership is normally arranged by the Stomal Therapy Nurse at the Hospital and requires a small annual fee payable at the end of the financial year (30 June).
If the Annual Fee is not paid it will be assumed that the services of WBOA and stoma products are no longer required.
WBOA provides non-clinical information, support and encouragement concerning all aspects related to living with a stoma. Our major role is to manage Ostomates orders and distribute stoma appliances which are provided through the Commonwealth Government’s Stoma Appliance Scheme.
WBOA is governed by a Management Committee elected from and by members. The operation of the association is carried out by a dedicated team of volunteers with a paid Manager and part time Administrative Officer.
The Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN) would have arranged your first order prior to discharge from hospital. Part or all of your order may have been sent directly to you from the Suppliers in Melbourne. You may also have received part or all from our association, or you may have collected it from our premises. If you haven’t yet received all your products please contact WBOA on 07 4152 4715.
Monthly and sometimes annual allowances apply to all products available through the Scheme. WBOA do offer a two-month ordering cycle; however, this is for members who have had their stoma for longer for 6 months. If you believe you will run short, please contact WBOA or your Stomal Therapy Nurse.
The scheme provides a comprehensive list of products; however, it is important that you check with your Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN) before changing any products to ensure they are suitable for you.
You should place your next order with WBOA as soon as possible on an order form provided and either post to PO Box 3350 Bundaberg Qld 4670, an order form may be scanned or photographed and sent by phone text message to 0466 125 818 or emailed to . WBOA staff offer phone support to assist you to complete your order.
Please note: It is a requirement that you only order one month supply at a time for the first six months.
You can have your monthly and two monthly orders posted or you can collect from the office. Please ensure your postage is paid either by credit card details on your order form, Direct Debit into our bank account as per the order form, Cheque/Money Order sent in with your order or cash if you come to the office. Please note the date of direct debit for WBOA to match your payment. Non-payment of postage may delay your deliveries.
All our suppliers are based in Melbourne, and WBOA order every Wednesday and the order arrives in Bundaberg the following week, (this may vary with public holidays etc.). Our volunteers pick and pack your order on Tuesday and Wednesday of that week ready for dispatch or collection. Therefore, WBOA recommends you allow two weeks (10 business days) from the date WBOA receives your order.
If you order ahead, you can expect your order to leave WBOA on Week 2 of the month ordered.
With time you will determine how much product you use monthly. Whilst WBOA don’t encourage over ordering, WBOA do suggest you aim to keep a months’ supply on hand at any one time. This is to cover unexpected events such as transport delays and weather events etc.
Do a stocktake every six months (those that are permanent) to determine what levels of stock you currently have and order accordingly. Just remember you do not have to order everything each month.
The SAS is funded through Medicare therefore WBOA must demonstrate that each member is ordering for their own use.
To ensure orders are processed in a timely manner please ensure your Medicare Card has at least two months left before they expire especially if you are ordering several months in advance.
To assist WBOA in providing you with your products, please ensure the following:
- All sections of your order form are completed in full; (There will be a packing form with the products you receive that details the product code, and description.)
- It is a government requirement that your Medicare Number (including the Number next to your name) is completed every month.
- Make sure your postage is paid. Credit Card details to be provided every month as WBOA are not permitted to keep these on file.
- Make sure your membership fees are paid.
- Ensure your address is correct and if you change address please note “NEW ADDRESS” on the form for our volunteers.
If you are having any concerns your Stomal Therapy Nurse should be your first point of contact.
For help with ordering, please contact WBOA on (07) 4152 4715.
For emergencies, please go to your nearest Hospital or ring 000.
When members have no further need for stoma products and wish to return them to WBOA please make sure that they are unopened and not out of date. Anything that can not be returned needs to be disposed of.
If you are moving to a new location there are two options:
- Stay with WBOA who can continue to supply your products (cost for postage will need to be factored in); or
- Move to a new Association located nearer to where you are.
- It is important to notify both Associations of your intentions.
- The Associations will exchange the necessary information to transfer your details.
Portal: Instant, will be monitored daily when the office is open. Emails are sent at each stage of the process.
Email: To , you will receive an automated email initially and then a personal email once it has been read and processed.
Mobile Phone: Take a phone on your phone and text it to 0466 125 818, you will receive and text back to thank you for your order.
Fax: Send a copy of your order to (07) 4153 5460, there will be no reply from WBOA.
Mail: Post completed form to WBOA at PO Box 3350, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670. It is important to remember that it can take up to a week to get to WBOA.
- Order received (see methods of sending in an order)
- WBOA office staff process your order
- Every Wednesday WBOA Office orders from the Suppliers
- WBOA receives the order the following week on a Monday, then the volunteers pick and pack
- Ready for collection or posting on Wednesday or Thursday.
Orders received Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday morning (before 9.30am) will be ordered in that week.
Orders received Late Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and on the weekend will be ordered the following week.
All orders received for upcoming months will be posted approx. Week 2 of the month ordered.