Stoma care services provided by Ostomates
We’re a not-for-profit organisation supporting people in the Bundaberg & Wide Bay region who have lost the use of their bladder or bowel due to cancer or other medical conditions.

Wide Bay Ostomates Association (WBOA) is a not-for-profit organisation who provides medical supplies under the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) to people who have lost the use of their bladder or bowel due to medical conditions such as (but not limited to) cancer or irritable bowel syndromes.
In 1975 the Australian Government introduced the (SAS) to support people who have a stoma. A stoma is a permanent or temporary opening that connects internal waste products to the outside of the body, this exit then needs to be covered with a pouch system that can be removed for disposal.
To receive Commonwealth Government funded supplies you need to be the holder of a valid Medicare Card or relevant DVA Card and become a financial member of WBOA by paying an Annual Access Fee.
Our Services
WBOA operates out of Bundaberg and mainly caters to Wide Bay, Fraser Coast and Central Queensland but has Ostomates in other locations as well.
WBOA provides our Ostomates (people with a stoma) the following services:
- Liaising with the Stomal Therapy Nurse
- Assistance with product ordering (amounts allowed and timing of orders)
- Non-medical advice on dealing with a stoma
- Ostomate Support Program
Group sessions such as:
- Open Days is key areas
- Acknowledgement and assistance to Support Groups in our area
- Access to Supplier Reps, either at open days or at our Office, we advise on our Facebook page
- Assistance with WBOA’s Portal for ordering
Ostomate Support Program
This is a one on one program that provides individuals (ostomates, carers, family and friends) with an opportunity to talk to someone who has a stoma and is living a normal and fulfilling life. We can arrange for one of our Ostomates to meet and have a private chat with you, or we can arrange a phone chat with you in the privacy of your own home.
It is an opportunity to have an open and frank discussion with someone who has first hand knowledge and experience of living with a stoma. (Remember: Only health professionals can provide advice of a medical nature, and our ostomates are not qualified counselors, it's about sharing individual experiences.)
WBOA Portal
WBOA has (since 2024) started using an on-line ordering service that can be accessed by Ostomates registered with WBOA. This is the easiest and quickest way to get an order processed. A link is provided on this website however if you wish to talk to WBOA before proceeding please contact the office.